The clue is in the name, That’s right checkhabbo is having a fresh start
The Past or information you may want to know!
Earlier today we have announced that will be doing a fresh start with nico or without nico, he will be sadly missed here at checkhabbo and will always be family.
In the mean time .-Richie-. (Richard) will be staying as owner from now on.
Jobs are available
On Saturday 22 May there is going to be an Update with staff meaning there is jobs available in all sorts of departments, we need you on the team to keep going and alive so please do apply.
The Forum
The Forum is down if you haven’t noticed already, It is under maintance and a date has not been chosen to make it Open to public so please do be patient about it.
Fresh Start Day
Our fresh start day will be dated 23rd may there will be lots of events and lots of winning prizes :)
make sure you join in with the fun
That is all for now, Thank you for reading
Temp Radio Manger