Have you ever wondered who worked at CheckHabbo? Well wonder no longer because on this page, we have listed all the staff we have at CheckHabbo!
Site Owner
Name: Richard Habbo Name: .-Richie-.
Name: Nico Habbo Name: -.n.i.c.o.-
Site Management
Name: Dan Habbo Name: Masterjaden07 Position: Live Support Manager
Name: Connor Habbo Name: Minteex! Position: General Manager
Name: Unkown Habbo Name: Unkown Position: Forum Manager
Name: Unkown Habbo Name: Unkown Position: Radio Manger
Head Dj's
Name: Habbo Name: DJ:
Name: Habbo Name: Trial DJ:
Trial/Radio DJ's
Name: Lozzy Habbo Name: Loz.dl DJ:Dj Laurie
Name: Jordan Habbo Name:Wombias Trial DJ: DJ Wombias
News Staff
We currently don’t have any staff in this department. If you are interested in becoming a member of the CheckHabbo Team then check the navigation for more details.
Forum Staff
We currently don’t have any staff in this department. If you are interested in becoming a member of the CheckHabbo Team then check the navigation for more details.
Do you have a technical problem which you dont have
an answer to?
Does your computer keep crashing? Do you keep
getting Blue Screens of Death on your Windows PC? Do you keep
receiving strange error messages? Are you worried
that your
computer may have a virus?
Did you know... CheckHabbo was the first Habbo Fansite to introduce Live Support?