What? Where? Why? How? One of those may be a question you would like an answer to regarding the Checkhabbo website! On this page, we have listed the most common questions which we have already been asked and questions which we think are relevant for you to know the answer to. Below you will see an unfortunate large list of questions. If you find the question which matches yours then click on it to see the answer! If you don’t see anything below, which is similar or answers your question then why not contact us? To contact us just click HERE.

- Who owns Checkhabbo.net?
The owner’s of Checkhabbo.net are .-Richie-. and -.n.i.c.o.- on the Habbo UK. - Is Checkhabbo.net safe to use?
Yes, our website is safe to use if you as the user use it correctly. - Can I have a job on this website?
Yes you can. If you would like to apply for a job then click HERE to be taken to our Job Openings page. - Does Checkhabbo.net have a forum?
The answer to that is yes! You can visit our forum by going to http://www.forum.checkhabbo.net/ - Are the staff on this website, Habbo staff?
No, we are not Habbo Staff. - I am staff at Checkhabbo.net but I am not sure what to do…
Well we would recommend that you read the staff section page and then contact your department manager. - Does Checkhabbo.net have any official rooms?
Yes it does, click HERE to see our list of official rooms. - Can I have rights in any of the Checkhabbo.net Official Rooms?
Well that would depend on the owner of the room, but really the answer would be NO as rights are only really given to the Checkhabbo.net management team. - How would I contact Checkhabbo.net?
If you wish to contact us then please click HERE. - The radio on Checkhabbo.net appears to be online but will not play…
Well there could be many reasons for this. It could be that your IP has been banned from our shoutcast server. You could also click HERE to view our Radio Problems page.