Having trouble with the radio? Listening to it and it cuts out? Well here is ways to try and fix it!
While you are on the site, Press CTRL + F5 this will refresh the website. The reason for holding CTRL is that this will bypass the cache, pressing this should re-connect you to the radio and refresh the website!
Done it? Still nothing coming from the radio? Try these!
Are you using Internet Explorer? If so try this, click 'Tools' up in the task bar then click 'Internet Options' and clear your Cookies/Temporary Internet Files.
Using firefox? If you are click 'Tools' then 'Options' then 'Security' then 'Show Cookies' followed by 'Remove all cookies'
After trying these steps you should hear the radio! If not use the contact us page and let us know.
In the e-mail you need to tell us:
Your problem.
How long you have had this problem.
Your Habbo name.
Your e-mail address for us to contact you back!
Im using firefox but I can't see the radio!
No worries, all you need to do is download the Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox found from an external website found on google, Click Here! Please Note: to find it scroll down the linked page!